our cosmic significance – star cluster
we are here our sun other stars Ex closest star alpha centauri proxima cenaturi and billions billions of stars are their stars are power plants certainly stars are nuclear power plants nature guided . produce energy and emit it for their planets . plants grow from this marvelous divine energy and food produced from this marvelous energy through a process called photo synthesis and gas O2 Produces from the process of sun energy fixing and so many other important processes are progressing from this powerful star energy
How Stars produce energy certainly through nuclear reaction – H atoms fused to make He atoms this is a nuclear fusion reaction and it emits enormous energy this is the energy what we receive as light heat uv rays infra red waves and other types of energy waves Then all the stars are nuclear power plants invented by holy nature before humans born and still working very efficiently without human interferences but man made nuclear power plants are not efficient Stars including our Sun are very efficient and work for others benefits and systematically working this is the wonders of the holy universe
sun and other stars produce and emit energy without any difference for all creatures all animals all plants equally big or small for all countries not only for world powerful countries but for the whole planet . From this Devine sun energy helps to perform photo synthesis , water cycle and proses of rain, lightning of earth ,creating electricity with photovoltaic (PV) cells to heating water and food. warmth the planet and from uv rays of the solar spectrum some animals including humans produce vitamin D and so many other processes are performing . production of ozone Ozone is a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms, often named as O3. Ozone is formed when heat and sunlight cause chemical reactions between oxides of nitrogen (NOX ) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), mainly Hydrocarbons. This reaction can occur both near the ground and high in the atmosphere.
from very Ancient period SUN worshiped as main GOD This is the first religion of mankind It is reasonable that the SUN Gives all creatures energy light heat food and so many other benefits all the things we do is from solar energy electricity we use from either hydro power from fuel run generators , thermal generators are from solar energy and fuels for vehicles from solar energy from process of photosynthesis
hence humans should worship SUN GOD He is the GOD gives all helps to humans creatures plants and man made machineries for AGRICULTURE and Maintaining the planet in good order Still INDIAN People worship SUN GOD To show their generosity as Surya Namaskar worship and honoring to SUN GOD the Great GOD