Forest Trees our Living – Trees are like visible Gods
Plants are very helpful for the entire world . They are like living Gods on the Earth.They produce their own food (auto tropic )They are the only living organisms one this planet who can produce their own food . They produce food by using carbon dioxide and water .in the presence of sunlight and help of their own chlorophyll molecules.They not only produce food for the entier world but also they produce O2 IN THE PROCESS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS .
Oxygen is very valuable for plant as well as Animals including Humans to produce Energy from food. Oxygen we breath is produced by Trees . plankton of the sea and other plant species. Plants are useful to us in several valuable ways. They help us to perform several industries . Ex – Some Algaes are useful as thickening agents in several industries .Plants play remarkable role in conserving and improving soil of the earth.They help the world to maintain good weather condition on the Earth. We have to Protect plant and its Growth for the benifit of the whole world. Trees are like visible GODSĀ