The Best Profit Can be achieved through improvement of health of the staff of a company Staff of a company / institution has plenty of work big targets and competitive challenges . In order to achieve these goals / targets the staff of a company should be in excellent health condition . Then they will improve the company to a very higher position and the profit of a company will be really improved and the staffs work ability will remarkably improved. Their is a popular saying that Health is Wealth. Health is a fact that the Biological systems of a person be working in excellent and balanced condition in order to give best performance .How can be the best health condition be achieved ? It is through the following of good health Habits. * Be an active person – Early wake up and do regular exercises . Exercise will activate the biological systems and maintained the balanced function. For High Blood Sugar ( Hyperglycemia ) exercises are regularly prescribed. It maintains blood glucose level in a proper range and it enhances Insulin hormone secretion by Langerhan Islets of the Pancreas which regulates sugar level. Apart from controlling sugar level exercise will maintain the cholesterol level in optimum levels . Higher cholesterol level is the main reason for High blood pressure and cardiac diseases .Lot of company bosses are having High blood pressure and high cholesterol levels due to their hard working . Exercises are the best remedy for them. Apart from that exercises will improve relax working condition. * Dilatory habits mainly affects the health condition of a person . Good Dilatory habits Leads to good health condition. What are the Good Dilatory Habits ? We have to control fatty food intake . Higher intake of unsaturated fat Ex – sunflower oil , soy oil , olive oil and their food products maintain good cholesterol levels and give Energy plus good nutrients to the body ( these fats which is plant originates contain vitamin E and healthy Fatty acids – useful for maintaining cell membranes ) Unsaturated fatty acids mainly in plant originated fat increases friendly cholesterol level – HDL Cholesterol. HDL transport bad cholesterol from the periphery of the body to the lever and their it metropolises. Hence the HDL Cholesterol act as a protector of cardiac health. We have to control the Animal fat intake like Meat eggs and their food products. Be a Plant Lover and Eat plant products. *Fruits are the best natures Health Gift . Eat more Fruits . The sugar contain in fruits ( Fructose ) will not contribute for Diabetes . Fruits contain several vitamins Vit C Vit A and Beta carotene , minerals soluble fibers and so on. Fruits improves the Immunity of a person. * Controlling food that contain high sugar levels are tremendously valuable for all. Control the intake of Ice Creams sugary biscuits, yogurts , puddings and ext. We can eat low sugar low fat biscuits yogurts . Be wise on food habits . *Music the beat healer .Listen stranded music . It relaxes You and it improves work ability It improves health in all aspects. If a soothing music can be played in your working place it really improves the relaxed working condition and the productivity . * Remind that Laughter the best Medicine and best Relaxation . In lessure time in your working place you can take this best remedy. *In your working place you can grow some flowers and other plants . It produces Oxygen and purifies air and really help you to work in a relaxed environment. They gives you more affectionate surrounding. . * Engaging in aesthetic and artistic performances , participating official dramas contest , musical activities, occasionally will improve the work ability and production. – Shantha Heiyantuduwa Pharmacist |