Atom Atoms are the basic units of the physical matters . Sun , moon & stars , Household items – tables , chairs , , TV and Ext – food matter and the Living beans , Animals and even us are physically made out of Atoms . If we consider a wall – the basic unit is the bricks or cement blocks . Likewise all the physical Matter is made out of the Atoms as Basic Units . Atoms consists of a centrally located dense nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electron particles . Nucleus consist of positively charged Protons & electrically neutral Neutrons .Electrodes bind to nucleus by electromagnetic energy . On the other hand groups of atoms bonds to each other by means of chemical bonds and forms a molecules . Normally atoms contain equals numbers of electrons & protons hence the atoms are electrically neutral . Under some circumstances they will be + or – charged and named as Ions .Number of protons determines the element & the number of neutrons determines isotopes . There are 90 naturally occurring kinds of Atoms & 25 others which are made by the scientists in labs . The name Atom comes from the Greek Word “Atomos” – means uncut table , indivisible . It describes that the Atom is uncut table & indivisible minute unit of the matter .This concept was first described by Indian & Greek philosophers . 18/ 19 Century chemists described a physical background for this idea showing that some substances could not be divided by means of chemical methods . So they applied the ancient philosophical concept and the word “Atom” to this chemical entity . 19/20 century physicists did research & found sub atomic particles . They found that the chemical atom is divisible .But the name atom retains to describe basic unit of the matter . In noble gasses the molecule is only a single atom but other molecules have two or morethan two atoms . The Atom is about diameter of few tenth of a nanometer. Very minute masses .Over 99.94% of atomic masses are concentrated in the nucleus. It contains protons & neutrons which are having roughly equal mass. The electrons are surrounding the nucleus in orbits .