Nutrients are very valuable for best sports performances
Sports Nutrients – Persons who are doing sports activities need an extra food , beverages and other nutritive factors because they are doing an extra work other than day to day activities . We need food and liquids including water to maintain our energy requirement ,repair our body cells , to maintain healthy bones and teeth and to enhance and maintain the immunity .Sports Nutrition is a study and practical aspect of food and additives in connection with persons sports activities . Nutrition is the very important part of many sports activities. It is most popular in strength sports Ex – weight lifting and body building and endurance sports like cycling, running, swimming. Sports Nutrition based on the type and the quantity of fluid and food taken by the sportsmen. In addition, it deals with the consumption of nutrients components like vitamins, minerals, supplements and organic substances -carbohydrate, protein & fat.In strength sports like Body Building weight lifting sportsmen should pay more attention to the nutrition that it really improve their performances.They have to consume extra amount of protein because they are the substances that builds and maintain muscle mass . Sportsmen should take advises from health authorities prior to take supplementary protein or other syntactical food products. Any sportsmen needs to get proper diet which contain all the nutrients to get maximum energy and to assist muscle development. They need sufficient amount of Iron Vit B and other minerals specially Ca . Iron and Vit B is needed for enhance the body activities .All the sportsmen need to take sufficient large amount of Fluids because fluids are the base for Body reactions and activities